


All maintenance requests must be put in writing and either posted or emailed to Jacotine Property Group Pty Ltd. Email: natalie@jacotineproperty.com.au or PO Box 7060, Brighton Vic  3186.


All emergency maintenance can be phoned in during business hours. These are outlined in the red booklet “Renting a home a guide for tenants and landlords”.  This book was provided to you at the beginning of your tenancy.  There may be a circumstance whereby our office is closed and you require urgent repairs to be carried out. This urgent repairs are:

  • Burst Hot water service
  • Failure of electricity gas or water supply
  • Serious storm or fire damage
  • Serious roof leak
  • Serious fault in a lift or staircase
  • Gas leak
  • Damage that makes a premises unsafe or unsecure
  • Blocked or broken toilet system
  • Dangerous electrical fault
  • Flooding or serious flood damage

Please note: Should there be a failure of gas, electricity or water you are required to contact your service provider to ensure it is not a problem with your provider first.

If a tradesman is called and it is established that the matter is not classed as an emergency the tenant/s will be required to pay the call out fee not the landlord.


It is very important that you notify us immediately if you change any contact details ie: Home telephone number, mobile number business number or email address.


It is the tenant’s legal responsibility to ensure that the full amount of rent is paid on time each month. Rent can be paid in the following ways:

  1. Deposit book provided at the beginning of the tenancy. Please ensure your agent number is recorded.
  2. Internet banking. Please ensure your agent number is recorded.
  3. Posting a personal cheque, bank cheque or money order to our Post office address at PO Box 7060, Brighton Vic 3186.


If you are having difficulty paying your rent, always contact me to discuss any issues you may have.  Reminder emails will be sent and telephone calls made if your rent becomes overdue or if it is not paid in full.  It is company policy to issue a notice of termination of tenancy and apply to VCAT for an eviction order should your rent fall more than 14 days in arrears.


Condition report must be signed and returned by post to PO Box 7060, Brighton Vic 3186 within THREE WORKING DAYS from the commencement of your tenancy.


Only the people originally included on your application form and who have been approved by the landlord are allowed to reside at the property permanently. If a new tenant wishes to replace an existing tenant, our office must be informed immediately in order for them to complete an application form and have it approved prior to moving in.  Bonds are non-transferrable without written permission from the outgoing tenant.


It is not the landlord’s responsibility to insure your possessions.  The landlord’s insurance policy will cover only the building plus any fixtures and fittings. We strongly recommend that you take out contents insurance policy.


It is your responsibility to have electricity, gas, water and telephone connected in your name and to have the account finalised at the termination of your tenancy.


If you are leasing a house or a separately metered apartment or unit you will be responsible for water usage and disposal.  It is the tenant’s responsibility to arrange for the water company to put the account into their name.


Rubbish must be placed in proper bins as supplied by council.  At the completion of your tenancy please do not dump rubbish or furniture etc on the street as this will not be collected by council and you will be charged for its removal.


Park cars only in your designated car space and not on the front nature strip, lawn or common areas.


It is our company’s policy to inspect properties approximately two times are year.  You will be notified of these inspection and we do encourage you to be there to discuss any problems affecting your tenancy or to leave a note.


A refund of a tenant’s security deposit cannot be applied for until all keys have been returned to our office and a final inspection has been carried out.


The tenant must provide 28 days clear written notice. This can be emailed or sent by post.  Rent must be paid in full to the 28th day.  The security deposit cannot be used to pay the last months rent.  The bond is held at the RTBA and tenants can be fined if they treat any part of their bond as rent.


Our company will assist tenants who find it necessary to break their lease agreement on the following conditions:

  1. The tenant is responsible for and must pay rent until the property is re-let to a suitable tenant;
  2. The tenant must pay our agency expenses ie: releasing costs, advertising and credit check charges.


Your tenancy does not terminate until all keys are returned to our office. If you change the locks at any time, permission must be granted by the owner and a spare key must be provided to our office.